Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Why is my Baby so Fussy?

When it comes to baby bottles believe me I have tried quite a few.  With my last son we received Some very fancy Dr. Brown's Natural Flow baby bottles. Out of all the bottles that I received these caught my eye because each bottle had 6 pieces.

I thought that 6 pieces seemed like a lot for a baby bottle. But, I quickly learned that all of the pieces all played a roll in decreasing your baby's gas. This decreasing your baby's fussiness. Normally, if a baby is fussy after you feed them and changed them, they may be experiencing gas pains. Baby's main form of communication is extra wiggling and crying. You can cut down on your baby's pain and irritation by doing the following:

  • Make sure they have fully burped after feeding
  • If breastfeeding decrease your consumption of dairy
  • If breastfeeding decrease your consumption of raw spinach
  • Purchase an organic formula that is gentle on their little tummy (a great organic formula is made by the Honest Company)
You should be aware that everything that you eat will be what the baby eats. With that being said some babies have faster liver development than others. This means that their body may not be able to proper digest the dairy in your diet. A good idea may be for you to switch to a non-dairy milk like almond milk, coconut milk, rice milk, or soy milk. Almond Breeze Brand makes some great tasting non-dairy milk varieties.

If you make these changes then you should see an improvement in your baby. He should be more at ease and more comfortable than he was before.

**** I am not a doctor and you should always consult a doctor before changing anything in your diet. I am giving you the alternatives that worked for me.*****

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